Mr. Larry Trout, Jr. brings exceptional talent in the areas of water resource engineering and sustainability. With 30 years of experience, he has unique expertise in the areas of stormwater management, green stormwater infrastructure, coastal green infrastructure, stream restoration, wetland restoration, aquatic organism passage, hydraulic and hydrologic routing, watershed modeling, drainage studies, floodplain modeling, erosion and sediment control, coastal erosion control, flood control design, and master stormwater plan preparation throughout the northeast. Larry’s areas of expertise include:
- Stream/wetland restoration
- Streambank/shoreline stabilization
- Living shoreline
- Low Impact Development (LID)/Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)
- Watershed management
- Flood mitigation
- H&H modeling and design
- Stormwater conveyance improvement
- Dam/lake improvement assessment and design
- Forensic engineering
“The field of water resources engineering is constantly evolving as we better understand the true anthropogenic impacts that humans have made and continue to make to one of our most critical resources. These impacts create the need for innovative and sustainable solutions to address the numerous resulting challenges and needs. At times, these challenges can seem daunting and overwhelming but also provide for tremendous opportunity to make a difference and better our planet.”
When you are not working, what do you enjoy doing?
I enjoy coaching baseball and watching my 3 sons play sports.
Best wildlife encounter?
I once encountered a green heron hanging out in a wetland that I had designed.
What advice would you give a candidate who wants to join our team?
If you are looking to join a firm with people that are passionate about the environment, Straughan could be a great place for you.