Liz O’Keefe-Markham, GISP

Deputy Director, GIS & Technology


Liz is a GIS Professional with 8 years’ experience in the manipulation and analysis of both spatial and non-spatial data. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and Technology – Ecological Technology Design and a Minor in Geographic Information Science from University of Maryland – College Park and is actively involved as a volunteer in the Alumni Association (Go Terps!). Her areas of expertise include:

  • Data Collection and Management
  • Asset Management
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Suitability and Prioritization Modeling
  • Python and Modelbuilder
  • NEPA Documentation, Data, and Mapping Support
  • Project Management

I have seen firsthand how widespread the use of geospatial data spans between disciplines. Proper and ethical use of GIS and geospatial data can become a powerful tool in engaging clients, the public, and even other team members. The impact geospatial data has on our industry is incredible and I am extremely pleased to be working at a company that fosters this integration, allowing for truly cross collaborative teaming both internally and externally.

Tell us about your most exciting or rewarding project.

One of my favorites is the Stormwater Management & Green Infrastructure Design work that we completed with the District Department of Transportation. It was a four-part project, two of which had a significant GIS component to them.  

We developed a comprehensive geodatabase to track existing green infrastructure and stormwater management practices, involving a large digitizing and attribution effort to populate the database. We also developed a custom Green Infrastructure Suitability Model for the evaluation of GI to identify suitable areas for implementation within the highly urbanized area of DC. The output was used identify the top 1,000 sites with appropriate Green Infrastructure practices in areas that would provide the maximum stormwater benefit while minimizing conflicts with existing assets and infrastructure. This was my favorite part of this project because there was so much coordination, and I had a blast getting super technical in building the model and organizing the parameters. By combining robust geospatial data processing with innovative modeling and automation tools, we equipped DDOT to modernize its GI asset management processes. After this project was completed, I had the opportunity to present at three conferences and attend the awards gala when it received an Honor Award at the ACEC Metropolitan Washington Engineering Excellence Awards competition in 2023.  

Favorite outdoor activity?

Hiking, sitting in a hammock and reading a good book, or hiking to a place to sit in a hammock and read a good book.

Favorite local park?

Patapsco Valley State Park