Sabrina Bachman, LEED Green Associate

Deputy Director, Sustainability


Sabrina is a sustainability professional and LEED Green Associate with over 15 years of program management experience. Her career has been built around working with organizations that have a strong commitment to sustainability and supporting quality of life, including work at the local level with several government offices and nonprofit organizations. She previously served on the Maryland Clean Energy Center Advisory Council and is engaged with the U.S. Green Building Council Maryland and National Capital Region communities.

Ms. Bachman specializes in the development of resources and implementation of programs related to environmental education, diverse community engagement, and cultivating partnerships across a broad network of industry professionals and organizations focused on sustainability in the built environment. Sabrina’s areas of expertise include:

  • Sustainability strategic planning
  • Community engagement and outreach
  • Survey development and analysis
  • Environmental education program development
  • Supporting sustainable buildings and communities
  • Program management and organization
  • Data report compilation
  • Policy analysis
  • Educational event management and logistics
  • Volunteer coordination and management
  • Marketing and communications

“I grew up spending a lot of time outdoors, which has translated into a life-long love for nature. I also had some phenomenal science teachers from elementary school through college, where it seemed like a perfect fit for me to pursue a degree in Environmental Systems. I appreciate that I have been able to combine so many interests and talents into a meaningful career, with an emphasis on using environmental science for real community benefits.”

Favorite quote? 

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein

Best wildlife encounter?

My hiking and camping adventures have yielded a number of memorable wildlife encounters, but the one that brings me the most joy is from home. I love sitting outside in the evening and watching the bats fly, especially against the sunset painted sky. I still get as excited as I did the first time, when I realized that this was something I could see in my own backyard.

What’s your favorite season?

I love fall weather and enjoy the vibrant colors of the foliage and then being able to see the “bones” of the trees when they drop their leaves.