Statewide, MD Chesapeake Bay Trust

Community Based Organization Capacity Building Initiative (CBO-CBI) Technical Assistance Services

Straughan has provided grant technical assistance services to help bridge the resource gap and build the capacity of community-based organizations in applying for grants focused on climate resiliency and flood mitigation.


Our Approach

Straughan , on behalf of the Chesapeake Bay Trust (the Trust), provided technical assistance services for the DNR Resiliency through Restoration Initiative (RRI) and the Trust Watershed Assistance Grant Program (WAGP) in the Community-Based Organization Capacity Building Initiative (CBO-CBI). The purpose of the CBO-CBI is to bridge the resource gap between mainstem established organizations and community-based organizations and partners and build the capacity of community-based organizations.  Historically under-engaged community-based organizations, representing populations who receive inadequate or inequitable services and/or who experience quality-of-life disparities, were engaged as potential applicants.  Services that were performed by Straughan are described below.

  • Performed 8 site assessments to evaluate stormwater retrofit and environmental restoration opportunities;
  • Prepared a site sketch and narrative summarizing opportunities and feasibility factors for each visited site;
  • Coordinated with the Technical Team to review 20 assessed sites and identify the top 10 grant candidates;
  • Developed technical information to support grant applications for 5 sites. Deliverables for each site included:
    • A Preliminary Concept Design Plan detailing the proposed project location, drainage area delineation, preliminary sizing and grading, and any key site features or constraints;
    • Estimates of water quality volume and nutrient treatment computations using FieldDoc;
    • Estimates of additional project restoration metrics, such as area of native plantings or impervious area removed; and
    • An engineer’s estimate of scope of work and probable costs to advance the project through full design and permitting.
  • Provided input and review of the grant narrative to refine the technical design aspects of the proposed project;
  • Worked to enhance the understanding and technical capacity of Owners to pursue and enact bay restoration projects by engaging the Owner during site assessments and providing detailed resources and guidelines regarding restoration practices and implementation processes; and
  • Provided input and review on project reporting deliverables.