Our Approach
In a phased approach, MTA was planning to obtain property to construct a new facility for the storage, maintenance, and inspection of MARC trains. The proposed facility was planned to be constructed in two phases and ultimately include a fixed guideway lead track with diesel electric locomotives, a car and locomotive shop, operations center, servicing and inspection building, support shops, offices, a storeroom, a wash facility, a passenger car repair building, a commercial power substation, a fueling and sanding pad, two diesel fuel above ground storage tanks, parking facilities, and 19 track sidings to accommodate the repair and storage of trains.
Straughan performed a general rail noise assessment and a vibration screening to determine the project’s potential to result in noise and vibration impacts from operation of the proposed MARC Maintenance and Train Storage Facility. Sensitive land uses included residences as well as a golf course. Screening procedures and general assessments were completed in compliance with the Federal Transit Administration’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. Straughan identified predicted impacts, includes prominent sources causing the impacts, as well proposed mitigation strategies. We supported public outreach efforts by preparing displays and participating in community meetings. At Straughan, we understand that effective early communication and engagement with the public is often a key ingredient to successful project delivery.