Our Approach
SHA’s PEL study evaluated mobility and safety improvements and supported economic development along the MD 32 corridor from I-70 to MD 26 in Howard County and Carroll County, Maryland.
In coordination with SHA, Straughan identified 12 project stakeholders consisting of local agencies, businesses, community leaders, and government entities that heavy utilized the corridor. Straughan conducted in person interviews with the twelve stakeholders to identify and better understand the transportation needs, wants, and relevant considerations along the corridor. Stakeholders included both the Howard County and Carroll County Public School Systems and Departments of Transportation, a house of worship, a funeral home, the West Friendship Volunteer and the Sykesville Freedom District Fire Departments, among others.
Straughan also monitored, collected, and analyzed over 600 responses to the public, online survey. Straughan summarized and documented these efforts and produced georeferenced mapping depicting the location of stakeholders and survey respondents and for inclusion into the MD 32 PEL Study Report. As part of the MD 32 PEL consultant team, Straughan presented the results of the stakeholder interviews and public on-line survey to SHA during project planning meetings.