Howard County, MD Howard County Department of Public Works

NPDES Design Services

Straughan provides long-term support to Howard County for meeting NPDES permit requirements through watershed assessments, BMP concept planning, IDDE monitoring, and annual reporting.


Our Approach

Straughan has supported Howard County’s compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for over 14 years. Our team has delivered nearly 40 task orders spanning watershed assessments, concept plan development, illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) support, and annual monitoring services. Projects have included extensive GIS-based desktop analyses, in-field condition assessments, and development of BMP recommendations and concept designs across the Rocky Gorge Dam and Brighton Dam watersheds. We also provide ongoing biological, chemical, and physical monitoring, along with data analysis and reporting to help the County track progress toward its restoration goals.

Under this long-standing contract, Straughan completes annual screening of 100 outfalls for illicit discharges, develops stream restoration and BMP retrofit concepts, and supports the County’s Assessment of Controls requirement through macroinvertebrate sampling and geomorphic assessments. Our ability to consistently deliver cost-effective solutions under budget while meeting tight permitting and reporting deadlines has helped Howard County maximize MS4 credits, improve stream health, and maintain regulatory compliance.

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