Cecil County, MD Maryland State Highway Administration

Gramies Run TMDL Stream Restoration Monitoring

Straughan performed post-restoration stream and wetland monitoring for the Gramies Run TMDL project to evaluate restoration performance against permit conditions.


Our Approach

Straughan conducted stream and wetland monitoring for the Gramies Run TMDL restoration project, which supports MDOT SHA’s compliance with Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. The restoration addressed 5,473 linear feet of stream through channel stabilization, riparian planting, and floodplain reconnection to reduce erosion and nutrient loads. Straughan led Year 3 monitoring and is scheduled to return for Year 5 monitoring, providing assessments of vegetation, stream habitat, hydraulic function, and temporary wetland impacts.

Our team established riparian and wetland sample plots, assessed vegetation health and invasive species presence, conducted aquatic habitat evaluations using MBSS protocols, and monitored stream morphology metrics such as bank height ratio and pool spacing. Monitoring efforts validate the restoration’s success and support MDOT SHA in meeting permit conditions issued by MDE and USACE.

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