Our Approach
Straughan provided environmental permitting and stream design services for the Capitol View Sewer Rehabilitation project, which protects critical sewer infrastructure exposed by stream erosion within the Rock Creek Basin. Working with Michael Baker International, our team supported 0.97 miles of sewer rehabilitation and approximately 2,600 linear feet of stream restoration. The restoration design improved stream stability while minimizing tree loss and floodplain impacts.
To protect 8 exposed sewer pipes and 9 manhole structures, Straughan’s design raised stream beds to meet minimum cover standards and restored connectivity to the floodplain. Natural resource inventories included over 1,300 individual tree surveys, 13 wetland/waterway delineations, and forest stand assessments. We also led permitting for MDE, USACE, and M-NCPPC and coordinated with USFWS on Northern long-eared bat compliance. Our early engagement and strategic design helped accelerate permitting and reduce construction impacts.