Frederick, MD City of Frederick

Watershed Management Plan for Rock, Carroll, and Tuscarora Creek Watersheds

Straughan performed stream assessment on over 20 miles of stream to support the City of Frederick’s watershed planning efforts.


Our Approach

Straughan provided Watershed Planning support to the City of Frederick as part of their Phase 2 MS4 permit obligations. This permit requires reduction of pollutants and untreated impervious draining to the city’s streams. Straughan developed baseline stream assessments for 20 miles of stream to support the watershed management plans to document stream health, extent of degradation, and potential for future restoration.

Straughan applied a Rapid Stream Assessment Technique (RSAT) to gather physical data at over 200 locations. The RSAT included measures of channel stability including features that indicate potential future instability such as debris jams and large deposits of sand and gravel. Our team also performed macroinvertebrate following the Maryland Biological Stream Survey’s protocols at eight locations.

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